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Saratoga Springs

Geologic Time Scale fromUSGS Death Valley Field Trip

View of  Saratoga Springs


People looking at the Stromatolite (right) at the entrance of Saratoga Springs

Layered stromatolite produced by the activity of an ancient cyanobacteria.


Intrusive Diabase

Intrusive diabase in dolomite at the entrance of Saratoga Springs



Desert Pupfish (Cyprinodon)

The desert pupfish lives in springs and creeks of the Death Valley. With a length of only about 1.5 inches, these fish can withstand a wide range in water salinity as well as temperature variations of  70°F.  There are several species of desert pupfish: Cyprinodon salinus (Salt Creek), Cyprinodon nevadensis (Amargosa pupfish, Amargosa River), subspecies of these fish occupies Saratoga Springs.

If you look carefully you will be able to find the Cyprinodon in the picture ( at least I've seen them when I took the picture :) 


by Marcelo Santillan


Dublin Hills    Shoshone   Sperry Hills   Ubehebe_Crater    Titus_Canyon    Shoshone_Volcanics    Hole_in_the_Wall

Pup-fish spring (Saratoga)    Rhyolite, the_Ghost_Town    Cinder_Cone    Amargosa_Chaos & China Ranch      Badwater   Dante's_View

Turtleback   Zabriskie Point     Red Rock Canyon    Fieldwork   Gravity  Magnetics


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