NCEER Catalog

The NCEER-91 (National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research) Catalog for the Eastern United States, (Armbruster and Seeber, 1992) is one of the most carefully researched historical catalogs for the central and eastern U.S. and contains events from 1627 through the beginning of 1985.

If you requested a search on one of the nine magnitude types, the output will look something like this:


1980/ 7/25   6:22:34.00   45.140  -74.170   5  3.1  1       0.0    * 6639
1980/ 7/27  18:52:21.40   38.190  -83.890  16  5.2  1  VII 12.0 MAIN 6642
1980/ 7/31   9:27: 2.30   38.190  -83.930  19  2.5  1   IV  0.0 6642 6650

DATE:    Date of earthquake (YYYY/MM/DD)
O.T.:    Origin Time of earthquake (UTC) 
LAT:     Latitude
LON:     Longitude
DEP:     Depth (km) [0 if undetermined]
MAG:     Magnitude (of the type you selected)
MT:      Magnitude Type:  This refers only to NCEER magnitudes, and
         denotes how the magnitude was determined:
         1 = Instrumental, 2 = Felt Area, 3 = Maximum Intensity
MMI:     Epicentral Intensity, MMI scale (rounded up
         to nearest integer)
FA:      Natural Log of Felt Area in km [0 = undetermined]
MAIN:    "MAIN" if event is a main shock, "*" if event is isolated.
         Otherwise, the EQID of the parent event is given.
EQID:    Earthquake Identification Number

If FULL OUTPUT was specified, the search results are listed in the original format:


3	7	I5	UNID	Unique Identification for each entry
8	12	I5	EQID	Earthquake Identification Number

13	16	I4	YEAR	Year (origin time in UTC)
17	18	I2	MONTH	Month
19	20	I2	DAY	Day
21	22	I2	HOUR	Hour
23	24	I2	MIN	Minute
25	29	F5.2	SEC	Second

30	34	F5.2	LAT	Latitude, Degrees North
35	40	F6.2	LON	Longitude, Degrees West
41	42	I2	DEPTH	Depth, km

44	46	F3.1	MB	Body wave magnitude (Nuttli)
47	49	F3.1	MBLG	LG wave magnitude (Nuttli)
50	52	F3.1	ML	Local magnitude
53	55	F3.1	MS	20 second surface wave magnitude
56	58	F3.1	M	Magnitude, type unknown
59	61	F3.1	MC	Coda duration magnitude
62	64	F3.1	MN	Nuttli magnitude

66	66	A1	ITM	Intensity to magnitude conversion code
67	71	F5.1	LNFA	Felt Area (natural log of km**2)
72	72	A1	UI	Intensity uncertainty
73	77	F5.1	INT	Epicentral Intensity (MMI)
79	79	A1	UM	Uncertainty in magnitude and method
				of estimation
80	80	A1	UL	Uncertainty in location

81	81	I1	REG	EPRI TEC region
83	83	I1	GD	Global Default
87	89	A3	SRC	Data source code
91	95	F5.2	MB*	Uniform magnitude for b-value calculation
96	100	F5.2	MBEST	Best estimate magnitude
101	105	F5.2	MBVAR	Variance of mb
108	111	A4	IDMAIN	EQID of main shock
114	122	A9	ENTR	Entry Tacking: TEC #, DD MM YY
124	124	I1	MT	Type of NCEER magnitude:
				1 - Instrumental; 2 = Felt Area;
				3 = Maximum Intensity
125	128	F4.1	MAG	NCEER magnitude

For more details see "NCEER-91 Earthquake Catalog for the United States" by J. Armbruster and L. Seeber, published by National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY Buffalo, 1992.