Tech Staff Meeting Notes March 5, 2013

The top priority is always repair of down stations.
NM problem stations
ET problem stations

Duty Table updated May 2012 (needs updating)


News & Highlights

Fish Fry announcement will go out this week, cost will stay at $6

Q&A on budget and sequester

We're reviewing the PCard review process to provide greater transparency.

Should Parker visit for both the PWLA upgrade in March and the Fish Fry in April?


Chris did the service run last week. Got 3 permissions for the April move (8 are planned). Found several bad channels. Mitch sent an email to the PI's asking about the April move.


Short Period & Broadbands

Routine Maintenance: Top Priorities for the new year are these 2012 leftovers.

NMAD: 1 ISIS and 0 bb

LNXT: Done

MKTA: 6 ISIS and 1 bb

CLTN needs an earthen berm.

EDIT, NNAR & CHNM: NNAR and CHNM will be redirected to transmit directly to the node instead of through EDIT.

Images of all stations on the list in one file for your convenience
LEPT.EHN (looks similar to PGVM droput problem but more severe)
DWDM.EHN (flat--digital noise)
PGVM - dropping out (drop outs appear on the analog side not digital)

Misc Problem
LVAR - drifting
BFAR - gain channel problem ?? (glitches also bleed into other channels)
MARM.EHN - unknown (excessive noise)
HBAR - SM and BB - spikes

Mag. 4.0 gain range problems
These stations had problems with the gain channel during the Magnitude 4 Missouri event on Feb 21, 2012. It isn't clear to me whether they data channels saturated or whether there was excessive chatter in the gain channel. See image.

GNAR needs better insulating berm.

NODE Tasks




We're using propane too fast. We need to let the level, currently 35%, go down before repairing the leak. Will call Cummins when we're under 10%.


G and D and the local EMA installed a 25kW generator to power that side of the building. If there's room power-wise would they let us power the rack from it too? We could share the maintenance of the generator. We'd also have to install a transfer switch.



Need a PFLR alarm in 218/3904. Currently only get a PFLR when UPS dies. Need to know when Line goes down and when gernator transfers or not.

Generator fuel lift pump, battery & air filter should be replaced. Jim sent a quote to PP for that follow up work but no word yet. Cummins is now on a UM agreement and Jim is working with purchasing to get LNXT generator included.

Twisted pair from Richardson is extremely noisy causing problems with the analog backbone. Richardson is also on the UM 5-year capital improvement plan to be replaced.

Visit to WKNO tower on south campus was good. The building is URM so we want to minimize our footprint inside. There isn't a good telemetry shot to CERI so we'd need to move the ceri node (e.g. mudworm and associated rack, dbb firewall, etc) to the tower. Mitch is checking with ITD about bandwidth.

Jim asked about the feasibility of putting a 100 foot freestanding tower on the CERI campus. Steve spoke with Research Support and P-plant. Past issues with permissions may now be less onerous. We can't put it between houses 1 and 0 because the MLGW right of way to the transformer. Mitch will see about necessary $20-30k. Jim and Steve will look into getting a cost estimate and find out if there is anyplace at CERI that meets code for a tower.


MCAR is the only remaining station coming in via gcf2ew on anssworm. MCAR loses its connection a half dozen or so times per day. David will install the new terminal server. Done, now on scream.

Replace foam rubber plugs at all year 1 stations (need to notch it to accomodate the GPS pods): ASAR, CBHT.

CVVA. The saga continues.

We need a single document (access database excel spreadsheet) to document information on all freefield strongmotion stations to include contact(s), current IP's(eternal/external), what ports are allowed in from what IP's here at CERI, telnet yes or no, trigger levels etc. etc.

All nodes reporting except hd3. Still have poor connections with some nodes.




LRVA and VHTN are on deck for upgrades with the Basalts from the Depot.

RCGA - sporadic

Misc Problem
SWET - horizontals drifting
GRBT.EHN-spikes on channel
CSTN -gappy
GTTN.EHZ - noisy

BRBC node - timing problem (8 stations unusable)

GTTN move to the new tower is complete. But the new tower is only a 100' from the sensor pit and its big. This is now by far the noisiest station in the network. The top is entirely covered by the antenna farm and the surrounding area is very steep and owned by the Appalachian Conservancy. There is a TA station, V52A is installed nearby and a radio link should work to the top of the Green Top tower.


Generator is not functional despite EMA's effort to repair. Consider additional battery for starworm.

If they get the generator working, a generator on alarm would be useful. Do we have this at other nodes (e.g. Memphis and LNXT)?

BHT move. The MOU with the Catoosa WMA for Pilot Knob is going very slowly. John found a nearby location on Pilot Mt (different from Pilot Knob Mt) with a privately owned tower. The area surrounding it is owned by a timber company. The tower owner is amenable. John will persue as an alternative to The Catoosa WMA.

John suggests that we consider abandoning CMGA and moving it to the TA station TA-X51A. It has already been installed and a radio link between that location and GMG will work.


All stations coming in about 7 seconds early. IRIG is good and adsend is locked. Must be a problem with the antenna or the XLAK. The road is currently impassable. John is monitoring for first opportunity to visit. Dave will send a clock and pod.

RBNC and CCNC need new radio pairs.

The backup at BRBC is back to the way it was originally designed, with four group 24 Werker batteries backing it up. We are also on a backup generator there.

Central Receive: Still have interference. It turns out the ham operator is within compliance. They're allowed 65db on the side-lobe and that well above our signal strength. They agreed to turn off the 15 minute id broadcast which is a big help. John is looking for options but since its right on top of our carrier, they're limited.

MTTN Node ASTN: Change to AC power. We have permission and can install anytime.


A firewall change at HCES has blocked comms. John Paul is looking into it and needs Steve's help to fix it.

Lake County is out. We're told the internet to the coaches office is out. Its unknown if or when it will be fixed. Chris will look into alternatives (or see if its just a bad port or something).


AG Network

WLAR has large latencies and poor internet connection. Something odd is also going on with the Reftek and it may be losing power or cycling. Works fine with no outages when the reftek is operating at the VC connected directly to the router. So the problem must be between the station and the router. Fixed!

Steve H wants to redeploy the portables. Bee Branch is the top of Holly's wish list.


Three 6TD's are out for repair. Langston requested 2 for the Death Vally field trip.


NSMP Station List.


The seisnet group on umdrive is at You will need your uuid and password.