Tech Staff Meeting Notes January 20, 2004

Current Top Priorities are:PERC, I-40 Bridge, and Loose Ends

See War Room calendar for scheduled priorities


Routine Maintenance.

Stilgar, strider, etc to generator power.

Battery charging station. Need a hood.

Still need to finish 4th channel up grade on 13 lnxt and 5 nmad stations (more or less, all the TN stations). These are a pain since by now, they are more or less cemented in. Degaining subroutines incorporated into xpick. Also available is a standalone version at /gaia/smeagol/local/bin/degain.

Need to do routine service on all strongmotion stations including clean out flash. Dump data on standalone stations and just nuke it on real-time ones. Need to find way to get status information particularly regarding timing. When in dual mode, appears to go to flash but not serial. New firmware sends status both ways. John is gradually installing. Wurth is having trouble spending time on completing SLU station due to departmental duties. This might change in the not too distant future.

I-40 Bridge. Mockup is 90% running. Needs rotational components. Worm box has OS and needs to be incorporated into mockup. Many open questions remain about mseed file xfer not the least of which is where the files are physically stored by the DAS. Connectivity will be done through less than optimal IPX. File transfer mechanism used by DAS implies non-real-time. Need to rethink whether it is even worth putting these on a worm ring or whether we just selectively archive desired files after the fact.

ATHN Node. Done. Hope the tree doesn't degrade signal too much when the leaves come out.

MKTA. roof reconstruction complete. May need AC up top by late spring?

FDL. Strongly consider bailing on dual boot laptops. It just causes problems. New batteries are here, need to coax the old out of the gray boxes and replace. Still need battery boxes, cables, yada, yada, for 6TD's. Could theoretically build the "smoking room." Need to keep things cleaned up. John will order a new screen for the damaged laptop.

SWET. A CMG3T/DM24 has been ordered to replace the CMG3-ESP/DM24 at SWET. The 3-ESP will be re-deployed somewhere else. The purpose is to bring the broadband into ANSS specs. Then at some point in the future strong motion channels will be added and this will be a fully qualified National Backbone station.

PERC. Mac is working on track lighting. Greg is progressing on display.

Second Tier Priorities

Ellis erosion experiment. Mitch will check with Mike.

Sign Post. Mitch gave Mac a list of Names and distances. Mac needs to build and install.

HTAR. Now points and is transmitting to MKTA. Need to do some work at MKTA and get it into the worm.

Still Working on TEMA firewall. A new IT person has been hired. Mitch is working with Wilkinson on it, but they are having other more important problems right now.

CVTN optical isolation.

MPHB. Mitch needs to determine current orientation so we can pull it and orient correctly.

BB Test Facility. Its in the ground at last!!! First rate installation. Now we just need everything else.

VBMS. Two new NSN stations. MSU2 has been selected. Draft of proposal is complete. Waiting on Charles Swan at Ole Miss for geology and contractor info.

SEKY. John is doing a noise test a new site in TN.

Timing. Greg has an easy way to generate a datastream that goes high when lock is lost. Need a worm module to monitor. BB monitoring is more difficult. How do we automate the status stream or even get it back to Memphis for logging? (Save it to file with Scream?). Note, new version of firmware sends status to both flash and stream. Hence, information will be in gcf2ew logs, but how do we monitor that?

The original seisnets racks need new batteries. Done.

Nodes need new batteries. Got the batteries. Will coordinate installation with Brewer.


North Carlina station refurbish. Get a whole crew over there and more or less rebuild all stations. Or just let Parker and new assistant plug away at it.

Greg was ruminating and came up with this todo list. Much of it that relates to other stuff has been incorporated here.

BB network upgrade. Necessary hardware on order. DM's should arrive in soon.

Pull SMA's as convenient. Hardware to go back to LDEO when finished.

Calibrate S-13's.

Permanent station at HOGG?

UM offers various computer application courses (e.g. Word, Excel, etc). the Spring schedule will be available soon. Check the IS Training Center website for more details.